viernes, 19 de febrero de 2010

.:*My name,,

Name Women of Latin origin. From Latin east aurora.

Emotive Nature:

Emotional and active nature.It is expressed through perseverance, associations, and the settlement approach.Loves innovations and achievements.He likes to be assisted and supported.

Nature Expressive

Is consistent.It is expressed in the quality,comfort and utility of personal adornment.Gladly be provided to improve urban life and family.He loves to accompany and be accompanied.

Natural talent:

Mind of thought is impatient.It is expressed as a thinker receptive, sensitive and observant in activities that require versatility,innovation and curiosity.Get increased action areas that touch feeling,wanting to live and to inquire in all fields,as mind rather than as a hand-gun director.He loves the love,not giving,but for what it is.
Could excel in professions such as vendor,psychologist,researcher,writer,detective,salesman,stockbroker,or insurance,and any profession that involves handling money.

It was my father who chose my name,I suppose because he saw many sunrises, I do not know the truth because he never told me why he liked.

I do not like my name because I think it is outdated and is differentun,usual for someone my age because I did not know any other girl in my same years under this name.Though I suppose that there will be even smaller than me.

If I could choose my name and had to be English,would choose "Audrey" that would read "Odri".The first time I heard this name was in a television series called 24 and I always liked.I would put it in honor of my dolls that they always put a name in English was that.Has meaning of strength, nobility.

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